Let's Make Health Care Exciting!
Health Care On Tap is a monthly event in a familiar place. An informal atmosphere where people of all walks of life can mingle together and ask experts questions about health insurance issues. A time for comfort,
refreshment, and enlightenment.
To join us at our next event, kindly call the Office of Health Care Ombudsman and Bill of Rights at (202) 724-7491. Join us for our next event!
Health Care on Tap lets you join likeminded people to ask questions about health insurance and coverage issues in a fun, casual atmosphere.
Health Insurance Doesn't Have to be Painful
If you have issues with your health insurance, the DC Health Care Ombudsman can help. The Ombudsman serves as a guide and advocate, helping you navigate a health care system that can otherwise be confusing and frustrating.
Health Care On Tap is an initiative of the DC Office of the Health Care Ombudsman.
The DC Office of Health Care Ombudsman and Bill of Rights is open from 8:15 am to 4:45 pm—Monday through Friday.
Want us to join your event?
Submit a request for members of our team to participate in your event.
Request Event Participation
DC Office of Health Care Ombudsman and Bill of Rights’ Helpline
Office (24-Hour Voice Mail): (202) 724-7491
Toll Free Number: 1(877) 685-6391
Email: [email protected]